
I keep thinking that not having a treadmill is the only thing which is keeping me from exercising. And I also think my worrying indiscipline is due to the lack of a proper desk and fast laptop.

And yet time and again all these thoughts are shunned by my rational side which tells me that I have all I need to be a proper, productive student. I have a room to myself, I get regular healthy home-cooked food, stable internet et cetera.

Fixating of things you don’t have, and all trivial at that, is problematic to say the least. It goes to show that my mind puts conditions before wanting to optimally perform.

I need to change. I need to work towards a better attitude towards things not in my control. And a little more gratitude would go a long way.



This One Guy on Things

I am trying to make sense of the world around me. And I think that writing while at it is a good idea. Let’s see how it goes. Ciao.